Beacons vs.Wifi: Where IoT Market is Heading in 2019

There is no denying that IoT technology has grown huge and reputed itself as the sovereign of technology in almost every business and industry. The continuous pressure to meet customer demands with leading technologies has led almost all the industry segment to adopt IoT in their business. Those enabled with IoT have benefitted themselves with the top-notch deal and stay ahead of the competition.

To give a glimpse, few leading IoT areas are transportation, manufacturing, automobile, healthcare, smart home appliances, retail and smart wearables. It has evolved big giants in the market and opened doors of success to potential new players.

With IoT in almost all things, smart devices have got smarter. Communication has become easy, readily available and feasible despite boundary and location barrier. With the commencement of wireless communication, connectivity has become more feasible than ever. Communication is not limited to wires to send signals; one can easily communicate even from the most remote areas.

Wireless Communication Options

There are two location-based wireless communication technologies that have evolved the business offering enriched customer experiences. These are none other than Wi-Fi, and iBeacon technology.

If facts are to be stated,as per a recent Forrester Research, next-generation Wi-Fi will penetrate almost 90% over the next few years.

Whereas, a report by Grand View Research states that the global Bluetooth beacon market size is likely to reach USD 58.7 billion by 2025.

Before moving forward, let’s get an understanding of both the technologies. As we all know that Wi-Fi is a wireless communication technology that uses radio waves to provide network connectivity. A Wi-Fi connection is established with the help of a wireless adapter that creates hotspots.

On the other hand, BLE (Bluetooth Low Energy) such as iBeacons or Beacons are signals that are used to send data over short distances. Beacon wireless technology has overpowered other technologies and now has become an alternative for Wi-Fi, especially in IoT devices and apps. All thanks to the IoT application development company for offering such services.

Why businesses prefer Wi-Fi?

Yankee Group research states that 96% of customers prefer free Wi-Fi enabled locations and there are high chances of them